Past Events
Every event that UM Consti Team had traditionally organised is curated specifically for the purpose of spreading the spirit of constitutionalism amongst the public with the ultimate goal of building a constitutionally literate society.
Interested in collaborating with us for future events? Do contact us on any of our social media platforms and our representative will get back to you at the soonest.


The 2018 Constitutional Day was filled with a star-studded discussion. Among the activities held were the unprecedented journey back in time in which the landmark decision of Loh Kooi Choon v Government of Malaysia (1977) 2 MLJ 187 was revisited. Travelling back in time to 1977, the appellants and respondents of today submits of the doctrine of basic structure in front of a bench of formidable judges. With today's legal position in mind, will the decided decision still hold water, or will it crumble upon the weight of today's standing of the law? Particapants were able to witness the grand battle between our estmeeded advocates, Mr Lim Wei Jiet (for the Appellant) and Mr Vince Tan(for the Respondent). The Coram were Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram, Dato' Seri Mohd Hishamudin Yunus and Puan Hendon Binti Haji Mohamed respectively.
There was also the quick morning conversation (A Reflection of the Eighth Article: Equality) pertaining to the indisputably utopic solution to any successful community: equality. Enshrined in Article 8 of the Federal Constitution is this guarantee of equality under the law towards all citizens - but is this guarantee upheld in Malaysia today, especially towards marginalised communities? Our line of speaker had managed to dissect this issue amicably.

Public Speaking Competition
'Tons of ideas but nowhere to speak?'
UMCT proudly organised their very first Public Speaking Competition themed 'Moderation: An Accelerator to our Nation's Progress' on 15th April 2018, Sunday, at the Faculty of Law, University of Malaya.
The competition comprised of 3 rounds - preliminaries, semi-finals, and finals. The topic for preliminaries is 'Moderation is the key' in which participants were required to speak on for 7 to 10 minutes. 9 out of the 45 participants were selected to advance to the semi finals. Lastly, only 5 were granted the grand honour to compete in the finals for the top 3 prizes - RM300, RM200 and RM100.

Fund-Raising Event
We had joined our sponsor in its fund-raising event held at Tadika Diyana as helpers. The objective of this event was to raise fund for two NGOs, Agape Outreach to the Blind and Parents Without Partners, that seek to reach out to visually impaired persons and single parents living in poverty respectively.
Through the event, we could see that there is a lot more that we can do to help this often-neglected and marginalised group of unprivileged people who are trying hard to make ends meet. These people must be equally treated and protected under our laws, which we think are currently still lacking behind in that aspect.
The event was a huge success. Uncountable members of the public came to support, from whom we felt the warmth of the society. We are glad that we were given this opportunity to contribute our efforts to these NGOs and the society.

Academic Visit to the Federal Court
The UM Consti Team had its first visit to the Palace of Justice. It was indeed a meaningful and insightful trip. Besides touring the Judicial Museum and the Palace's Library, we also managed to sit in two proceedings in both Court of Appeal and Federal Court, observing counsels submitting before the bench. A sincere thank you to Badan Kehakiman Malaysia, The Malaysian Judiciary and its two PKMKP officers who guided us in the tour.

Voter Registration Awareness Campaign
The Voter Registration Awareness Campaign was held within the campus area nearing the time of the elections! Members of UMCT roamed around Universiti Malaya in which they approached members of the public to encourage them to register themselves to vote for the upcoming elections. The members had also organised a mini briefing session on the process of voter registration to ease any queries that the public may have. was a great success and we hope everyone benefited from the campaign.